Have A Seat | Thoughts on Meditation

Several months ago I was lucky if I got to meditate in my car for a few minutes as a means to shut it all down.  Like an emergency method.  Like realizing that you're falling and then without actually thinking about it, just knowing to pull the chord to make sure the parachute keeps you afloat.  That was thankfully an inspired act from within a system- my mind and body's system- that had already practiced using this meditation tool before and apparently practiced it enough for it to override as much of the negative, cloudy, and overwhelming.

I opened up a little about how hard it was to even stick to “a practice” of meditation and got responses and messages from you which started a conversation and inspired the only thing I knew how to do first- offer and serve meditation in my teachings regularly so I could actively be a part of the energy and share what I knew to work and be true.

That boomeranged back to the source and has penetrated for me- it has assisted me in finding my way back to my own sitting and centering time.  And- as we all can guess

| My god it feels so good to be home |


It worked. I couldn’t get it down in practice so I taught it until it moved me.  It's always amazing to see what light you are possible of having within yourself and the kind of good you can invite into your own system, life, being- simply by taking a step in that direction.  Surrounding yourself with- finding environments that-connecting to the things you know your system needs and wants to just be on a higher level.  


We don’t all already have the tools to know where to start or to come back when we feel that we've lost our way. But we are so lucky to be living in a time where our very own cell phones provide everything from simple alarms to full technological applications to assist you in the beginnings of a practice of meditation. There are yoga studios, retreats, meditation specific studios and retreats, social media influencers, teachers and students who are here documenting and sharing their journey, wisdom, hardships ands light.  In the world getting smaller, things have become more accessible and available.  In this respect, that is the very best thing.  It is the greatest channel and platform for infinity possibilities.  

I’m honestly so grateful for all of those things. 

My system isn’t all good practice. So I need the reminders and outside inspiration and push. Practice is never perfect. My system crashes sometimes.  My will overrides at times.  I am severely overwhelmed at other times.  For me, that is exactly why the practice is forever just that- a practice. An important one.  

And my hope honestly is that with so many ways to learn how to, to try, to discover- that you choose to try.  Maybe you can sit quietly for a [short] period of time, with your eyes closed, with the sole intention of listening to your breath. Perhaps you work through the challenges of the process for just minutes at a time.  And maybe you start to find glimpses, tiny moments, that give you such a sense of peace that you continue.  And just maybe you do that until it becomes more than that and we start to cultivate our own resources to illuminate the best of times and guide us and provide us with as much light as we can muster in the hardest, most overwhelming of times.

Then- somehow- without waiting for when or how, you find yourself.   Capable of sitting quietly, processing the challenge, settling in, hearing yourself, letting yourself be, becoming more patient, finding an understanding, recognizing yourself purely. 

You deserve to remember you are home.

You deserve to feel at home

Samantha Feinerman