Feel The Pain
the way we’ve evolved to avoid or attempt at all costs to get rid of pain as if it isn’t an incredible, necessary part of our design meant to inform us of a deeper issue residing somewhere within us that - when given attention and curiosity - could be worked through and resolved is mind-boggling...
and most of us don’t realize we’re doing it!
pain is a messenger we are lucky to have
both over stimulation + numbing make it more difficult to tolerate pain, intuitively connect to what the pain may be stemming from, and distract us from the roots of issues and dis-ease we experience. Like if we can’t feel it anymore it must be better.
But it’s not.
we can even develop comfort levels and attachment to pain that can make it hard to disassociate from
where there’s pain, there’s information and tough as it is to face it, that information is key to finding solutions and growth from whatever is causing it
feel to heal. yes even the pain.
and remember there’s freedom on the other end