Posts tagged pranayama
De-Stress With Your Breath

We often don’t realize how lucky we are to have our most powerful resource available to us at all times.  Our breath! In the yoga practice one of the major disciplines is pranayama.  Pranayama is a Sanskrit term we can understand to mean "breath control". Today we commonly call this practice breath work.  It is the practice of connecting to the breath consciously and applying varying techniques to exercise our breathing and regulate or shift the state of our mind and body. On a deeper level, it’s a gateway to experiencing our Nature of inter-connectedness, oneness with all of life, oneness with the Divine.

One of the major benefits of conscious breath work - pranayama - practice is reducing stress!  We can use our breath as a tool to create balance in our nervous system by shifting from the sympathetic nervous system (our stress response) to the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation). Using our breath as a regulation tool can help us lower our cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduce muscular tension in minutes. Doing this regularly over time gradually helps us keep things flowing nicely and “spiritually prepared” for the things that really shake things up.

Here are a few breathing tips that you can practice from just about anywhere, any time to keep your practice going and manage your stress levels:

1. Become Aware Of Your Breath - simply becoming aware of our breath automatically slows it down and puts us more in control of the rhythm of your breath.

2. Practice Breathing Through Your Nose - our nose is our body’s natural air filter, air conditioner and pacer.  Mouth breathing, however unintentional, stresses the systems of the body.  Nostril breathing immediately brings us back into more balance!

3. Slow It Down - our breath and our heart are directly connected.  When our breath is fast, our heart rate tends to be faster.  When we breathe slower our heart rate tends to be slower.  Slower breathing initiates calm. 

4. Lengthen Your Inhales and Exhales - lengthening our breaths helps us slow it down while also increasing its depth.  Studies find that the average person doesn’t use their lungs to their full capacity!  With longer inhales and exhales we increase lung and diaphragm function.  This means breaths that are more full and balanced.

5. Check Your Posture - an upright posture with a long spine helps our breath flow more fully and freely!  It’s common for us to hunch forward.  Especially if we find ourselves sitting a lot.  Try sitting or standing “tall”.  Move the shoulders back and down.  Gently lift and widen the chest.  It takes a bit more work if we’re not used to it, but this can quickly make breathing easier and better! (Also, long, full breaths also help us posture up)

These basic tips support our overall health and well-being no matter how much stress you are experiencing.  Like drinking water or eating nutritious food, good breathing will always nourish and support a healthier, freer and more agile mind, body and spirit.  To maximize the benefits, practice these regularly.  Try dedicating even just a few minutes a day to create a habit of better breathing and a more regularly balanced state!