hello, 2019
this page of words, ideas, thoughts, and even small practices is still fresh and continuing to evolve.
Thank you for happening upon this page and glancing over the words in 2018.
Thank you for attending class and growing with me in 2018.
Thank you for raising the bar with me last year.
Thank you for choosing yourself and your practice- the only reason that you would end up here is because you did that in any way.
And welcome to the new year.
While I will continue to share things in the same, organically inspired way to offer longer thoughts, deeper feelings, written teachings, and maybe in 2019 more video content-
I’d like to add to this journal that ends up being a product of the practice more of myself as a student of it as well. That is, after all, how I came to be a teacher and what ultimately guides my teaching through the teaching framework and backgrounds I’ve studied. It’s the fact that I practice yoga and have integrated it from my mat into my body, into my mind, into my heart, and into my life that I see it in all things and can connect others to it at all.
So this year I come to you as a student first and foremost. And yes, as a teacher as well. These are two ways of existing that I can’t help but be at the same time. And my hope is that I have more free channeling and more connection to offer. It may not look or feel different. But as I’ve spent time writing, deleting, thinking and conceptualizing this space in the last year, for me at least, there has been a self-inflicted pressure based on the idea that teaching is the channel I thought I needed to voice more. And well, I have more in my heart and a lot on my mind and pressure I’d like to release in 2019. Not just here, but all around. I’m beginning open. I’m guiding opennenss. And I’m seeing where this all goes.
I’m looking forward to this year. I have been since last year. And I believe we are all ready for things that have yet to really make themselves clear. But we’ve put in a lot of work.
So let’s begin this phase with the broadest vision and heart.
I’m sure you’ve set some goals, resolutions and/or intentions.
Share them with me, with us.
What are you opening up to this year?
What do you want to receive?
What do you want to create?
What would you like to channel?
\ Let’s open up /